Tuesday, November 13, 2012


No shave November is a tradition stretching back to the times of early Neanderthals. It is quite self explanatory, you do not shave your face for all of November. In light of Texas forming a petition to secede from the united states someone else decided to create a petition of equally ridiculous proportions; a petition for Obama to participate in No Shave November. It is actually creating a lot of attention and if it gains 25000 signatures Obama is legally obligated to respond to it in a public form.

Too long; didn't read (TL;DR)

1. Click here
Petition Obama to participate in No Shave November
2. sign up and sign the petition.
3. while you are already signed up look around at some other petitions
    Reform the electoral college
Allow people to opt out of Obamacare
Recount the vote for presidency

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