Thursday, October 18, 2012

Camree- Day 18

At school there is very limited parking.  I get there at 7:00 A.M every day so i never have to search or fight for parking.  However, after about 9:00 the parking lot is full and you have to circle around for a very long time until someone leaves and even then you have to fight off other drivers for that spot.  It's just like that scene from Finding Nemo where all the pelicans are fighting over Marlin squealing "Mine! Mine! Mine!"  When walking to your car to leave all the drivers pull over and ask you if they can follow you to your car and take your spot.  Doesn't sound like a big deal, but where i am so shy and hate talking to strangers it makes me very uncomfortable- especially when i can't remember where i parked.  Usually i dodge in between rows of cars trying to avoid the scroungers, but today i decided to be nice and help someone out.  So i told someone where my car was so they could have my spot.  If you have ever spent more than 20 minutes driving around a parking lot looking for a spot, you know just how frustrating it is and just how much better i made this girl's day by coming out of my comfort zone and giving her my spot.    

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