Saturday, October 6, 2012

Brittney - Day 6

Today instead of doing my own thing for conference, I decided to drive to Orem to watch conference with Grandma and Grandpa. During the break they decided to go shopping. Usually I'd decline the invitation to go shopping with them, but said yes instead in order to spend more time with them and help out.


  1. I'm glad you went shipping with them. must have been a boat load of fun.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Shopping shore sounds like fun! Were there any good sails?

  4. I hope the items you bought were on sail. I am glad you did not bow out. Did the grandparents give you any stern looks? Were there masts of crowds at the mall? Remember to eat only your portion of dessert.

  5. Please, i mast know how it went.

  6. Whale this is just seally... don't make us fish for details
