Thursday, October 11, 2012

Camree- Day 11

First off...Today is 10/11/12..  kinda cool. 

Today i made two customer's lives better by making them laugh really really hard.  This older couple, probably early 60's asked me where they could find alcohol- they were visiting from NC.  Not really sure what to tell them, i joking said.."well.. i know a really good nude bar i can point you to!"  The couple mistakenly thought i was serious, the woman gasped, put her hand to her chest, and quietly said "oh no dear, we're not like that."  HAHAHAH I apologized and explained i was totally joking, and then they thought it was funny. In fact i think they thought it was funnier than i did.  I'm just glad they laughed and didn't get offended.

disclaimer: I don't make such suggestive jokes to just any customer..but i had been talking with them for about 15 minutes helping them find what they were looking for, and i could tell they enjoyed that kind of humor..

Also... i did not punch a really really rude, needy, obnoxious, spoiled, selfish, immature, bratty customer in the face today.... despite my overwhelming urge.


  1. The customer is always right, the customer is always right! Just keep repeating it! lol

  2. Good job Rami. Most employers frown on their employees beating up the customers.

  3. AWWWWW the joys of working with the public. SO much fun. I am glad you did not punch the customer in the face. It does appear badly on the job resume.
