Saturday, October 13, 2012

Camree- Day 13

Today was crazy busy at work.  There was a little while where things slowed down so i finally could take my 15 minute break, but my co-worker really had to pee, and she had already taken her 15 minute break. We both couldn't leave at the same time because one of us needed to be on the floor helping customers. So... i gave up my break so she could use the bathroom.  Things were so busy the rest of the day that i never got a chance to take my break.  So for my thing today, i gave up my break so that a coworker could have a better day ;)


  1. You go girl. I think you take day 13.

  2. I think she should have peed quickly and given you at least a 10 minute break!

  3. Yah, I agree. She surely did not need to take 15 minutes to peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....This summer when I was there they seemed to have empolyees everywhere. Have they cut back?
