Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Camree- Day 3

Wednesday is my long day at school, i have a statistics lab after my classes and i always go to the open lab after that to have my homework checked and to ask questions so i understand the material better. So being my long day, after classes i just wanted to get home, eat, and take a nap before work....on my way to my car i saw a student struggling on crutches trying to get to class.  In order to do this he would have to crutch up a very very long and steep flight of crowded stairs that makes even athletes wheeze.  Knowing crutches as i do, i knew just how hard this would be for him and so despite my wanting to get home i offered to drive him around to the other side of campus and right up next to his class.  It only took 15-20 minutes off my pre-work nap, but saved him a good half hour of miserable crutching.  I just hope someone tomorrow offers to help him out, cause there is no way he is making it up those stairs and to his class.

I don't like talking to strangers and i don't like driving with other people in the in addition to being a good deed, it was way out of my comfort zone.   

1 comment:

  1. Awww Cam I am so proud of you!! I HOPe he appreciated very much what you did. I just love this challenge and trying to think of ways to accomplish it. Go GIRL
