Monday, October 8, 2012

Emilee- Day 8

I organized all Reive and Sabie's toys today (well all that I could while they were asleep) and really cleaned things up! I also put a bunch of toys they NEVER play with in a garbage bag to keep in the garage! Their mom has been overwhelmed with the clutter lately, even when everything is put away, there is just WAY too much! Yea thats what happens when you kid is STILL getting presents every time she poops in the toilet even though she hasn't had an accident in over 5 months!


  1. Wow, I bet she will appreciate that!! Clutter is hard to deal with!! So is sabela still striking against dad?

  2. I wonder if Mom will get me a surprise every time I poop? She would probably make it conditional on leaving the toilet seat down and I would owe her presents.

  3. She was fine with him all weekend luckily! It was weird because she usually loves him! Dad, I think over 50 years of practice disqualifies you from any rewards!!

  4. when you get Alzheimers and have to learn all over again... i bet you mom will cave and buy you a little something...but since the next day you wont remember what you got the day before she can just buy you one toy and keep giving it to you over and over and over everytime!
