Sunday, October 14, 2012

Brittney - Day 14

Today I made the 45 minute drive all the way to Orem to eat Sunday dinner with Grandma and Grandpa. I even rinsed dinner dishes.

Below is what I found on the front porch. It's kind of hard to see, sorry. Grandma and Grandpa always tape a letter with money to pay the paper carrier. It's always there. For years. The paper carrier seems to never pick it up, since it's always there. So today I came up to the steps to find the following sight. Apparently they figured the paper carrier, after years, just wasn't getting it and needed some help.


  1. I doubt he even looks at the porch!! Hhaha

  2. That is tooo funny. I wonder how all the other neighbors pay the carrier? Maybe he is delivering papers for charity. Hey I know gram and gramps LOVE it when you are at dinner.

  3. That was nice Brittney, I know that they really appreciate your visits.
