Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Mom day 10

Today I played MOM--to young kids again.  And loved every minute of it.  Actually they weren't all young.  I took Jordy to her T-ball game and ran JoJo to his baseball practice, picked dad up from work, then ran back to see the end of Jordy's T-ball game, got the Jordey and Josh dinner then ran back to JoJo's practice and patiently waited for it to go 15 minutes over.  Ran dad his dinner.  Ran JoJo home to shower and took him off to a birthday party.  Ran back to Jen's so I could chaperone Josh and his band.  One band member had to get a taxi  so I drove him to majestic and dropped him off.  Then Jordy and I watched my CPR video.  She was intrigued with what CPR was--I had sterilized my dummies and needed to put them back together.  How do you explain CPR and mouth to mouth to a 5 year old?

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